Maximizing Your Chance of Success at the Doctor’s Office
Going to the doctor can feel intimidating. Too often, I see people shrink in the exam room, treating the doctor like...
Challenging Norms in Medical Appointments
Living with a chronic illness often means becoming intimately familiar with the routine of medical appointments. These visits, intended to provide care and support, can sometimes feel like a whirlwind of discomfort and power imbalances…
Navigating Well-Meaning but Harmful Advice About Your Chronic Illness
Chronic pain and illness can be tough to manage because it's often invisible and misunderstood by those who don't live with them daily. You may feel alone or like no one understands what you're going through.
Are You Squashing All of Your Joy?
I hear this often from clients who are about to see a new doctor or try a new treatment option:
"I'm trying not to get too excited."
Wait, WHAAAAAT????!!!!
Are You Making Space for Your Illness?
Have you ever noticed how nature has this way of filling up space? Nature loathes a space, so it will fill it up if you don’t. An example is when you step in the sand…